Horizontal Eyebrow Piercings Pros And Cons Step By Step Guide

Horizontal Eyebrow Piercings Pros And Cons Step By Step Guide

Horizontal eyebrow piercing are an edgy alternative to the traditional vertical eyebrow piercing. They come in a variety of jewelry options and tend to be low on the pain scale. However, there are some risks to be aware of. Keep reading for everything you need to know about horizontal eyebrow piercings.

What is a horizontal eyebrow piercing?

What is a horizontal eyebrow piercing

A horizontal eyebrow piercing is a surface piercing that goes back and forth at the level of your eyebrow. It is often placed just above or below your eyebrow, but some people choose to place it right in the eyebrow.

Depending on the shape of your forehead and the amount of tissue, your piercer may recommend that you move the piercing toward the edge of your forehead or more toward the center.

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Are horizontal eyebrow piercings dermal piercings?

No, a horizontal eyebrow piercing is not a dermal piercing. On the contrary, it is a surface piercing because there are two holes and the jewelry goes in and out of your skin. A dermal piercing has only one hole for a single-point piercing .

Horizontal vs Vertical Eyebrow Piercings

A Horizontal eyebrow piercings pros and cons is placed horizontally, so that the jewelry is flat or at a slight angle from left to right.

A vertical eyebrow piercing is placed vertically, so that the jewelry goes straight up and down or is at a slight angle. Vertical eyebrow piercings are usually considered 'traditional' eyebrow piercings.

How long do horizontal eyebrow piercings last?

Although it depends on your body, horizontal eyebrow piercings are likely to last anywhere from a few months to several years. This is because they are surface piercings and tend to migrate slowly to the skin's surface.

Do horizontal eyebrow piercings hurt?

Eyebrows don’t have many nerves, so Horizontal eyebrow piercings pros and cons usually don’t hurt that much. Many people rank eyebrow piercings at a 2 or 3 on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being very little pain and 10 being the most pain.

Healing of horizontal eyebrow piercing

They usually heal within six to eight weeks, but it can take several months. Healing time depends on your body's response to the piercing and how well you care for it. Infections, injuries at the site, or poor aftercare can prolong this process.

Cost of a horizontal eyebrow piercing

How much does a horizontal eyebrow piercing cost? Horizontal eyebrow piercing rejection often cost around €30-€40 at a reputable piercing salon. However, this price is for the service only and does not include the cost of your jewelry.

The cost of jewelry depends on the quality and type of material. For example, you can pay $7-$10 for a simple surgical steel brow bar or upwards of $400 for a 14K gold bar with diamond accents.

Horizontal eyebrow piercing jewelry

Horizontal eyebrow piercing jewelry

There are two main types that piercers recommend for Horizontal eyebrow piercings healing: surface barbells and curved barbells.

The curved or staple design can help slow or prevent migration of surface piercings by creating less tension on your skin.

1. Surface Dumbbell

Surface barbell with opal white blue purple green opal titanium surface bar piercings 16G $22.9, SHOP NOW .

The shape is in the form of a staple and there is a horizontal bar with two 90 degree angles at each end which are secured with threaded studs.

Note: Choose a rod with a flat surface instead of a round rod to avoid seeing the rod under your skin.

2. Curved Barbell

A barbell with a slight bend, no sharp corners, and usually two accents that secure each end. These designs come in a variety of metals, such as surgical steel, silver, and gold. They also have a variety of accents, such as metal balls, spikes, diamonds, shaped gemstones, flat discs, and more.

Curved barbells are NOT recommended for Horizontal eyebrow piercing rejection as they are more likely to fail . However, some choose this style because there is a wider variety of design options.

Horizontal eyebrow piercing jewelry sizes

The right size eyebrow jewelry for you depends on your anatomy and skin. However, here are some common sizing choices:

1. Meter

14G, 16G, 18G, 20G are available. But 16G piercings and jewelry are the most common. The larger the gauge used in the piercing, the less likely the piercing will be rejected or accidentally torn off .

That said, using jewelry that is too big or too small can increase the chance of complications such as migration, rejection, or infection. Consult your piercer for professional sizing advice, and contact them after your piercing if it is uncomfortable or does not fit properly.

2. Length

You can choose from 6mm, 8mm, 10mm or 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", depending on your preference.

When can I change my eyebrow piercing?

It takes about 6-8 weeks for the initial healing. However, after 6-8 weeks the piercing can still close if you leave it open for too long. After about After six months to a year you can remove your eyebrow jewelry without worrying about the piercing closing.

Recommended Materials for Vertical eyebrow piercing Jewelry

When choosing your jewelry material, choosing the right type of metal is important. Some metals are more prone to allergies or easier to care for than others. Nickel and gold can cause contact dermatitis in some people, so it is best to avoid these two metals for your first piercing.

1. Titanium: About $20-$40

Titanium has a reputation as the best metal for piercings for many reasons. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic, durable, nickel free, non-corrosive and non-tarnishing .

The non-porous nature reduces places for bacteria to hide, promoting healing.

Titanium is also hypoallergenic, meaning it is less likely to cause allergic reactions. Titanium is nickel-free.

The high density to strength ratio makes your jewelry very durable.

A lower density also makes titanium lightweight, a big plus for many users. Finally, the metal comes in many colors because you can anodize it.

2. Surgical steel: About $5-$30

Although surgical steel is non-reactive, it may contain nickel. Choose another option if you are concerned about irritation or a nickel allergy.

Steel combines iron and carbon, improving its strength and ability to resist fracture.

However, this silver alloy can also contain other elements, including nickel. Make sure you buy surgical grade steel jewelry. These have ratings: ASTM F-138, ISO 5832-1, ISO 10993-6, ISO 10993-10, or ISO 10993-11.

One of the advantages most people mention for steel jewelry is the lower price. Steel is also a durable option. These pieces are low maintenance because the steel does not corrode, rust or tarnish.

Weight is the biggest complaint for those who wear steel jewelry. Steel can be less comfortable when worn in piercings for long periods of time.

3. Solid Gold: About $40-$200

This metal will not rust or tarnish. It is also easy to decorate and shape. The added alloys in 18k, and especially 14k, make them more durable than 24k gold pieces.

One disadvantage of gold jewelry is the price tag, which is expensive. Another problem is that the metal is soft, making it prone to bending, breaking, and gouging. Gold can also be heavy, especially with purer karat values.

4. Niobium: About $20-$60

Niobium is a light gray metal known for its hardness similar to titanium . The metal, like the other metals on the list, is resistant to corrosion and tarnishing, giving you minimal maintenance.

It is perhaps the best metal for a piercing if you want titanium-like durability with more malleability. That extra pliability makes it easier for jewelers to shape pieces. Niobium can come in a variety of colors because it is something you can anodize.

The only real downsides are that it weighs a little more than titanium and you will likely pay a little more due to the process involved in producing this metal.

Risks of Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing

1. Infection

As with any piercing, Horizontal eyebrow piercings near me carry the risk of infection.

It is crucial that you follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions to keep the piercing site clean and free of germs and bacteria. You should also avoid playing with the jewelry, sleeping on it, and letting it snag on clothing or towels.

2. Horizontal migration of eyebrow piercings

Because Horizontal eyebrow piercings healing are surface piercings, they also carry the risk of migration. Migration can cause the piercing to slowly change location or move further toward the skin surface.

There's not much you can do to prevent or stop it other than go to a reputable piercer and choose the right size jewelry.

3. Horizontal rejection of eyebrow piercings

Surface piercings are closer to the skin surface, so the tendency for rejection is greater , as it is easier for the body to push the jewelry out.

Rejection is when your body identifies the jewelry as a foreign object and a threat to your health, causing it to be pushed out. You can help prevent rejection by choosing the right size jewelry and taking care of your piercing. If you notice rejection, you may need larger jewelry.

How to clean horizontal piercings (step by step)?

How to clean horizontal piercings (step by step)

You should start cleaning your piercing the same day you get it. Make sure you follow these steps to keep it clean and reduce potential risks:

Wash your hand before touching the piercing.

Clean the area twice daily with sterile saline solution, warm sea salt water , a penetrating aftercare spray, or a wound irrigation solution.
Soak a clean paper towel in the solution of your choice and hold it against your piercing for 2-5 minutes.
While showering, let the water run over your piercing for about 30 seconds. This process can also wipe away any crusts.
Do not use moisturizers as they can clog the pores near the piercing and cause an infection.

Aftercare for horizontal eyebrow piercing

Following proper aftercare techniques is essential, regardless of the type of piercing. Following these tips will increase your chances of a smoother healing process:

  • Do not touch the piercing to avoid irritation and risk of infection.
  • Clean the area twice daily with sterile saline solution, warm sea salt water , a penetrating aftercare spray, or a wound irrigation solution.
  • Keep hair away from the piercing to avoid tangling and pulling.
  • Try to avoid sleeping on the side of the piercing to prevent irritation and pressure.
  • Do not wear makeup until your piercing has healed.
  • Avoid using hairspray, gels and cosmetic products as these can transfer bacteria to the area.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals to clean the piercing, such as hydrogen peroxide.
  • Do not use a pool, sauna or hot tub while your piercing is healing.
  • Wait until your piercing has healed before changing your jewelry.
  • Watch for possible signs of infection and consult your piercer or doctor if it becomes infected.


In summary, Horizontal eyebrow piercings pros and cons can be a fun type of facial piercing that will definitely get you noticed. They are placed horizontally above, below, or in your forehead and are a variation on the traditional vertical eyebrow piercing.

With a variety of jewelry designs to choose from, you can express yourself with different types of curved barbells and surface barbells. Plus, this type of piercing scores relatively low on the pain scale. Consider whether a Horizontal eyebrow piercings meaning is right for you and schedule an appointment today.