Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Virgo Monthly Horoscope



Ready for a late summer siesta, Virgo? With the Sun in Leo and your restful, healing “timeout” zone until August 22, you have cosmic permission to slow down, detox and rejuvenate in preparation for Virgo season later this month. On top of that, four of the slow-moving outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pisces) are in low-power retrograde for the next couple months. That tally goes up to five when Uranus begins a five-month backspin on August 19, encouraging you to step back and look at the really big picture. Swing in the hammock and inhale a few books on your Kindle. If you happen to nod off (go for it!), keep a journal handy and jot down any vivid dreams. Your subconscious will be doing its own mysterious creative work to maximize the potential of your downtime. Leo season is all about tying up loose ends, so hold off on any big moves or radical changes for now. Once the Sun swings into Virgo on August 22, boosted by a health-conscious Aquarius full moon, you’ll feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle back-to-whatever season. Make your plans and lists, and start taking bold action on a few of those inspired notions from earlier in the month.

With the Leo Sun basking in your twelfth house of rest, closure and the subconscious until Sunday, August 22, it’s time to de-stress and take life at a much slower pace. Spend some delicious hours (or days) off the grid when you can, Virgo. This is your annual time to escape and rejuvenate. Your imagination is at an all-time high, which could bring richly creative moments and powerful healing. Keep as much white space in your calendar as possible to follow the muse or do some deep inner work. If you’re an avid reader, music lover or movie buff, you’ll get an extra dose of pleasure from whatever fills your head (and heart) now, along with an added ability to make connections and see messages that were formerly hidden. Follow the signs! The timing couldn’t be better since you’ll want to make sure you’re nicely rested for Virgo season. Is there a chapter of your life you want to release? Let go of limiting beliefs, work on your self-sabotaging mindset and wrap up and lingering pieces of a project that’s ready to be completed.

Although you’re eager to drift into daydreams or slip away for a sweet escape, the first week of August could bring a couple interruptions. On Monday, August 2, the Sun makes its annual opposition to tough-love Saturn, which is in Aquarius and your critical sixth house. Get ready to experience some of your own resistance to change, which could act like a heavy wrecking ball to attack your dreams. This is a day when you’ll really need to self-manage those spinning Virgo thoughts that can send you down a tunnel of self-doubt. Perspective, please—however you can get it. Connect with a grounded mentor or wise friend who can help you reframe your mindset.

On Friday, August 6, you could feel pulled in dueling directions when the Sun forms a tense square to unpredictable Uranus in Taurus and your expansive ninth house. You could feel overwhelmed by too many options. Booked a weekend of R&R? Tempting options to socialize or even travel could bring a sudden change of plans. Take it easy, and if you do head out, regulate your intake, whether of food, alcohol or overly energetic people!

The dreamy August atmosphere gets an added boost on Sunday, August 8, with the arrival of the Leo new moon. What are you ready to create space for in your life? This new moon will open a fresh chapter that unfolds between today and the Leo full moon on February 16, 2022. Surrender struggle and do some work to release a grudge or resentment. If a limiting belief has been holding you back, address it head-on so you can heal. If you’re seeking a soulmate, write down the “vision” of the relationship you want or try a vison-boarding exercise to call them in under this lunar event. It’s a perfect window to begin a spiritual practice, like yoga or meditation, or to cultivate an artistic talent.

On August 19, Uranus, the planet of radical change, will begin a five-month retrograde through Taurus and your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and higher learning. Since 2019, you’ve been on an accelerated course of personal growth and expansion. It’s been exciting but may also have left you feeling untethered and nomadic. The pandemic hasnclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" ’t helped!

Disruptor Uranus is in Taurus for a long seven-year visit that will end in April 2026. The desire for control that your sign famously craves? Not so appealing anymore. With liberator Uranus in this freedom-seeking house, you can’t escape that well-planned prison fast enough. The wide, uncharted spaces of possibility are calling you, ready or not. And it’s been quite an interesting concurrence with expansive Jupiter in your fourth house of home and roots. While you may be aching for a sanctuary in some ways, you’re also hesitant to settle down anywhere permanent—at least not until you’ve thoroughly explored the options between now and December 2.

While Uranus is retrograde until January 18, 2022, you’ll have a chance to get your bearings. You might even find some sense of home for a few months, set your metaphorical (or literal) bags down and stay for a while. A bit of nesting is always good for the Virgo soul. Allow yourself to enjoy that but keep a weekender bag hanging in the trunk. You never know when the opportunity for a safe getaway could arise. Since retrogrades rule the past, it’s likely that any such invitations will be to a place you know and love and have visited before. Go back, Virgo! You may experience the place in a completely different way. A publishing or educational project that got waylaid could be worth returning to. Ditto for a savvy business idea that’s been simmering on the back burner.

On Sunday, August 22, the Sun begins its monthlong visit to Virgo, waking you up and preparing you for action. Are you feeling inspired to start a passion project or a solo quest, ready to pursue your path again? It’s time to put your personal projects first and get back out there! With go-getter Mars in Virgo until September 14 this year, you’re even more revved up to go after a personal goal or a solo quest. The edgy red planet in your first house of appearances could inspire you class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" to play with more head-turning looks, like a bolder hair color or staple pieces in Pantone-forecasted fall hues like sunshine yellow and fuchsia.

Just before Virgo season begins, the month of Leo makes one last dramatic curtain call as the second of 2021’s rare pair of Aquarius full moons (the first was on July 23) beams into your efficient and wellness-minded sixth house. Kick off your fall fitness plan with a meaningful change. At work, you’ll be in full-frontal Virgo mode since the sixth house is your native domain. As the natural ruler of this zodiac zone, you’ll make a brief return to your (micro)managerial ways today. But that’s not a bad thing! Adding some efficiency to your life right now couldn’t hurt—and you’re never one to turn down an opportunity to plan.

Think outside the box wherever you make a change. With motivational Mars in Virgo forming an ingenious trine to innovative Uranus in your expansive ninth house, this full moon could help you bust through a plateau or out of a confining structure. Got a unique methodology or pioneering idea to share? Map it all out in a detailed plan and put it into practice. You can perfect it through lots of trial-and-error experimentation. Overthinking will only hold up progress. Release your grip and think like a scientist (even if it’s a mad one): Real-world testing is the only way you’ll get useful information and feedback!

With passionate Mars in Virgo until September 14, you’ll be full of sexy swagger all month, feeling confident and enjoying your independence (while still loving how many people are taking notice of you). Single? This is a perfect time to explore new options and not be distracted by such trifles as “where’s this going?” Mars keeps you in the here and now, and for once, you’re quite content there! Couples could get into spats over minutiae—Virgo energy can get you hot and bothered over the smallest things. But if you choose to focus on each other’s wonderful qualities, you can redirect this intensity into the bedroom and beyond.

With affectionate Venus also in Virgo until August 16, you may crave a little more glamour or sensuality in your daily life. This is a great time for a style revamp (or makeunder) and for any pampering your body is craving to amp up your magnetic mojo.

Venus zips on to Libra and your sector of luxury and security from August 16 to September 10. Forget what randy Mars is doing; you might be ready to make things a bit more official. This transit can turn you into a one-partner homebody, more than willing to trade amorous escapades for luxe adventures with your one-and-only. Still searching? Dial up your flirtatiousness and focus on gratitude, appreciating all that you DO have going for you instead of thinking about lack. The magic happens when you stop trying so hard. Confidence is catnip!

Wired or tired? Probably a little bit of both for the first three weeks of the month. While the Sun is in Leo and your restful twelfth house until August 22, you’ll flow at a little bit slower pace. But at the same time, revved-up Mars, the planet of action and ambition, is blazing through Virgo, pushing you to initiate new projects and take bold risks. Since Mars only visits your sign every two years, you won’t want to miss out. But save the full-throttle moves until Virgo season, which arrives for a month on August 22. Spend a little time on research and development behind the scenes until then. The August 8 Leo new moon could inspire a serendipitous connection or a creative idea, activating your subconscious. Follow your gut…and the signs! But you might not know quite where it’s all going until the August 22 Aquarius full moon, a rare second one in this sign, ignites your sixth house of work, helpful people and processes. Let it marinate and you’ll find ways to articulate any channeled downloads in the later part of the month.

Love Days: 19, 22

Money Days: 30, 12

Luck Days: 28, 10

Off Days: 25, 8, 21

See All Signs

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